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How to keep mosquitoes away from your pool area

Say Goodbye to Mosquitoes: Tips for Keeping Your Pool Area Bug-Free

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy your pool, but pesky mosquitoes can quickly turn a relaxing day into an itchy nightmare. Here's how to keep mosquitoes away from your pool area:

1. Remove standing water: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so make sure to eliminate any standing water in your pool area. This includes emptying any pool covers, bird baths, or plant saucers that may have collected water.

2. Keep the area clean: Mosquitoes are attracted to debris and overgrown vegetation, so regularly clean your pool area and trim any bushes or plants that may be attracting them.

3. Use mosquito repellent: Apply mosquito repellent to your skin before going outside, and consider using mosquito-repellent candles or sprays in your pool area.

4. Install screens: Installing screens around your pool area can keep mosquitoes out while still allowing you to enjoy the outdoors.

5. Use a mosquito net: If you have a covered patio or outdoor seating area, consider using a mosquito net to protect yourself from bites.

6. Use a mosquito trap: Mosquito traps use attractants to lure mosquitoes in and then trap them, reducing the number of mosquitoes in your pool area.

By following these steps, you can enjoy your pool without being bothered by mosquitoes. Remember to be vigilant and take preventative measures to keep mosquitoes at bay.

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